Generally speaking, 2014 has been a weird year for me. For a start, it went so quickly that my head is still spinning, but I have no real idea of what I've done in the last 12 months to show for it. In 2013 I took up blogging, had a bizarre overseas romance, partied with elves, went on more spontaneous nights out than any one person has a right to do in the course of a single year, and travelled Europe, just off the top of my head.
This year I've had some pretty big milestones. I graduated from university and set up my business. But, on the whole, what have I been doing? 2014 is one big boring blur when I look back on it.
And then the year is even weirder because it was split into two totally different parts. From January to July I was a university student, learning about the things I love, living with the people I could laugh most with, playing the Sex and the City drinking game of a Wednesday afternoon, never getting bored, always finding something new to do and generally living it up in Exeter. From July onwards I've been back in South Wales, getting back into the routine of life in my parents' house, trying to find my feet in the grown up world, caught up in the big questions like, "What am I going to do with my life?" "How am I going to pay my bills?" "What do I have to do to move out of my parents' spare room?" "Why won't Disney World accept my application to be a full-time Disney princess?"
So, now that 2014 is suddenly at its end, I'm going to sum it up with an overview, just like the one I did this time last year.
My Year in Pictures
What was your favourite memory of 2014?

What was your most embarrassing moment?
I'm an awkward, uncoordinated, ridiculous person and, therefore, most moments in my life are embarrassing. Luckily, I don't tend to get embarrassed. If I did I would never be able to leave the house for fear of dying of humiliation.
Perhaps one of the most humiliating things I did this year was on our cheerleading social. I was trying to blag my way into a club and kept telling the others to "be cool". I gave the bouncer an entitled look, took two steps forward, and fell over a sign. "My fall is not an indication of how drunk I am," I insisted loudly. "It's just that your sign is badly positioned."
What were you most proud of completing?
My degree. As much as I loved studying English (apart from the Acts of Writing module, which was like a form of slow and painful torture), it was a challenge for me. I was really ill right before I started university. I suffered from anxiety attacks and, for a while, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to manage being away from home and dealing with so many new things all at once. But, not only did I made it through the three years of my degree and come out the other side with a very respectable degree, but I had the best time of my life! (You know, compulsory Virginia Woolf texts aside.)
What was the biggest risk you took?
Setting up my hire-a-princess business. Don't get me wrong, I have the best job in the world. Getting to prance around the room singing songs and pretending to be a fairytale character is clearly what I was born to do. But I could well end up flat broke, with nothing but a few poofy dresses and shards of a broken dream left to remember the experience by. Hopefully that won't be the case...
What was your worst habit this year?
Laying in bed and looking at Instagram for at least an hour before I get up in the mornings. It's just that my bed is so comfy and the rest of the world is not.
What do you wish you had done more of?
Exercise. I've definitely done more exercise in 2014 than I did in 2013, but I wish I had forced myself to go to the gym more regularly, pushed myself to get out of bed an hour earlier to do some yoga instead of drooling into my pillow, or taken up some exciting new fitness classes like zumba or...I don't know...aqua aerobics?
Exercise. I've definitely done more exercise in 2014 than I did in 2013, but I wish I had forced myself to go to the gym more regularly, pushed myself to get out of bed an hour earlier to do some yoga instead of drooling into my pillow, or taken up some exciting new fitness classes like zumba or...I don't know...aqua aerobics?
What do you wish you had done less of?
Stuffing my face! It might be that this is on my mind right now because I've eaten about 30,000 calories in the last week. Seriously, who needs to eat an entire box of Malteasers for brunch, followed by a dessert of Milk Tray? I feel sick just thinking about it, but I just can't stop eating! Please send help!
Lauren is now addicted to Jack Daniels flavoured cupcakes so I would say yes. Definitely.
Did you suffer any illness or injury?
If I was a horse I would have been sent to the glue factory months ago. I started the year with a kidney infection, ushered in summer with hayfever so bad that it confined me to my bedroom for two weeks, and, since November, I've had whiplash, which makes my neck crack in the most unattractive way whenever I move my head. The GP is sick of the sight of my pathetic little face.
What was your favourite book?
This year I started on the BBC Book List Challenge. For the most part, it's a terrible list (when they were choosing 100 books to name as the best in existence I really must question who decided to stick so many Jacqueline Wilson novels in there), but I do enjoy a challenge so I'm doing it anyway. My favourite book this year was Persuasion by Jane Austen.
This year I started on the BBC Book List Challenge. For the most part, it's a terrible list (when they were choosing 100 books to name as the best in existence I really must question who decided to stick so many Jacqueline Wilson novels in there), but I do enjoy a challenge so I'm doing it anyway. My favourite book this year was Persuasion by Jane Austen.
What was your favourite film?
I watched Killers recently and I found it hilarious. It's really my kind of movie because a. It's easy to watch b. It's my kind of humour and c. You get to see Ashton Kutcher without his top on.
Describe your style for 2013 in one word.
This year I turned 23 and I celebrated by drinking an entire bottle of Jack Daniels, singing Let it Go a the top of my lungs on a chair in the garden, and vomiting profusely for the next 24 hours.
What was a typical day in 2013?
For the first part of the year, when I was in Exeter, I'd be studying in my room, munching on snacks and, on a good day, day-drinking with Kirsty. In the latter part of the year, when I was in South Wales, I'd be working on things for my business, munching on snacks and wishing I was day-drinking with Kirsty. Very rarely did I change out of my PJs before midday.
What were you doing most Saturday mornings this year?
Probably sleeping. Or moaning that I was awake when I could have been sleeping.
What were you doing at 3pm during the weekdays?
I haven't had any kind of routine this year. I could have been back in Exeter, hiding out in the library, in Swansea, shopping with my mother, serenading a room full of children while dressed as Elsa...really it's very difficult to pin down.
What were you doing on Sunday evenings?

How will you be spending New Year’s?
This year my sister-in-law is planning a party. I have no idea how this is going to go, but, based on previous family functions, there will be a lot of hysteria and my Auntie Linda will, in all probability, be hammered.
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2014?
What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2014?
1. Exercise more
2. Go to dance lessons (and hope my lack of coordination doesn't injure anyone)
3. Take more pictures
4. Blog more consistently
2. Go to dance lessons (and hope my lack of coordination doesn't injure anyone)
3. Take more pictures
4. Blog more consistently
What quote sums up your 2014?
"Here's to sh***y men and the amazing, although admittedly crazy women who love them." - Kirsty.
So that was my 2014 in a nutshell. I'm looking forward to 2015. It's a clean slate to carve lots of adventures onto and I have every intention of having as many adventures as I can next year. So watch this space.
And, in case you ever wondered what I'm busy doing on the run up to Christmas or just wanted to know just how weird my accent really is, here's my Vlogmas video!
And, in case you ever wondered what I'm busy doing on the run up to Christmas or just wanted to know just how weird my accent really is, here's my Vlogmas video!
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