It's been just over a year since I managed to get my niece to take 10 minutes out of her busy schedule of pretending to be a cat and hiding Playdough under the sofa to sit down and answer a series of questions about her life. I published her bizarre little ramblings in a blog post, which was (inevitably) heavily focussed on unicorns and princesses.
Now Lauren is six years old and I couldn't help wondering just how much her answers to those questions had changed over the course of a year. I mean, sure, her favourite colour is no longer pink, she's cast aside Sleeping Beauty in favour of Princess Jasmine and you'll never catch her performing the once beloved 'Cutie Patootie' dance. But how much has that adorable little weirdo really changed in the last thelve months?
To answer that question I spent last Saturday afternoon delving into the mind of a teeny tiny loon again as she sat on my bed, munching her way through a packet of digestive biscuits. (When I got into bed that night there were crumbs everywhere!)
And here's what she had to say. Everything I said is in purple and Lauren's words of wisdom are in green.
Now Lauren is six years old and I couldn't help wondering just how much her answers to those questions had changed over the course of a year. I mean, sure, her favourite colour is no longer pink, she's cast aside Sleeping Beauty in favour of Princess Jasmine and you'll never catch her performing the once beloved 'Cutie Patootie' dance. But how much has that adorable little weirdo really changed in the last thelve months?
To answer that question I spent last Saturday afternoon delving into the mind of a teeny tiny loon again as she sat on my bed, munching her way through a packet of digestive biscuits. (When I got into bed that night there were crumbs everywhere!)
And here's what she had to say. Everything I said is in purple and Lauren's words of wisdom are in green.
Ok, you ready?
What makes you happy?
Having fun!
What kind of fun?
Umm...going to the park and going to the trips in school.
What makes you sad?
When people are mean to me in school.
What makes you laugh?
Telling me jokes and me being silly.
If you could do anything today what would you do?
*Long interval of biscuit munching*
Umm...go to Disneyland!
How old are you?
*Gives me a dirty look as if I am the worst auntie in the world for even daring to ask this*
How old am I?
Have a guess.
Thirty two?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Nothing? What are you going to do all day?
Stay in the house and be lazy. And I'm not going to have a boyfriend either. I'm going to stay on my own and be lazy.
All on your own?
Well...some kids.
You're going to have some kids?
Yeah. But I'm not going to have anything in my house except a bed.
But you don't want a boyfriend. Children need a mammy and a daddy.
*munch munch munch*
....I'm going to be an auntie then.
....I'm going to be an auntie then.
I don't want kids. No! I don't want my own. But I want a grand-kid. I don't want my own kids.
You don't?
No! ...How old are you?
Twenty four.
...Ok. What's the next question?
Who's your best friend?
Tommy. No, actually Tommy isn't my best friend. He's my boyfriend.
So who's your best friend?
Rex and Max.
I haven't heard of them before. Are they in your school?
No. *whispers* They're in the caravan.
What's your favourite animal?
Rainbow Dash.
What's your favourite song?
Bad Romance!
What's your favourite food?
Where is your favourite place to go?
What are you really good at?
What are you not very good at?
You're good at everything?
*giggles like a crazy person*
I'm not good at making people!
I'm not good at making people!
What do you want for your birthday?
A real friend Rainbow Dash pony!
What did you do today?
Umm...played a game. I was in the caravan and then I played a game and then I came to Nanna's house and I played a game again and then I'm going home and I'm going to play a game agaaaiiin!!
Those were all the questions. Do you have anything to add?
I want to stick my tongue out!
And there you have it!
You know, part of me wonders what a trained professional would make of some of that...
And there you have it!
You know, part of me wonders what a trained professional would make of some of that...