1. Do you have a middle name?
I do. It's Rebecca. For some reason I struggled to spell that for years when I was in primary school. I was convinced it was Rebbeca. Even now I'm not entirely sure it looks right...
2. What was your favourite subject in school?
English. Shocker! I'm pretty sure I came out of the womb with a love of literature! I was 11 years old when I decided I wanted to do an English degree at university, a decision I only questioned once when I was choosing my A Levels and I briefly toyed with the idea of going in for medicine. But, when I realised real life was nothing like Scrubs, I quickly reverted to the original plan.
3. What's your favourite drink?
Jack Daniels and Diet Coke hands down. The only thing that can improve Jack Daniels in my opinion is drinking it whilst wearing cowboy boots.
4. What's your favourite song at the moment?
Good Girl by Carrie Underwood.
5. What would you name your children?
The truth is, I have an absolutely epic girl's name picked out already (which may or may not make me crazy seeing as I don't even have a boyfriend) but that is top secret information. Haven't you people seen that episode of Sex and the City where that awful woman steals Charlotte's baby name? I'm not even sure I'll tell the baby's father until after it's born just in case!
6. Do you participate in any sports?
I'm a cheerleader. My toe-touches are appalling, but I love it!
7. What's your favourite book?
Gone with the Wind. Scarlett O'Hara is the ultimate heroine. She'd make a terrible friend though...
8. What's your favourite colour?
9. What's your favourite animal?
I'm not much of a pet person (apart from bunnies. Bunnies are awesome and my bunny was the best bunny of them all!) but I love tigers, giraffes and elephants. We saw the baby elephant at West Midlands Safari Park last summer and he was adorable! No word of a lie, he knew he was the star of the show. He stood in front of each car in turn and waggled his ears at them. I thought my brain was going to explode from cuteness overload.
10. What's your favourite perfume?
Right now I love Heat by Beyonce, but, in all honesty, I'll wear whatever I'm given for Christmas (providing it doesn't smell like mildew or onions or something).
11. What's your favourite holiday?
Christmas is probably my favourite because I love the build up. Putting up the tree, shopping for gifts, eating my weight in chocolate coins and that kind of thing. But I also really love Halloween. Some of my best memories are of Halloween and, honestly, there's nothing like the musty smell of the boxes of Halloween decorations when you take them down from the attic each year.
12. Have you graduated from High School?
No, I've just completed comprehensive school, which I don't really count as an achievement as such because it's required by law.
13. Have you been out of the country?
I'm very lucky. I've been to Greece more times than I care to count, Tenerife, Portugal, France...in fact, I travelled all over Europe in 2013 with my friends Hayleigh and Bethan. I've also been to South Africa twice and Florida, but I'm not nearly done exploring. There are plenty more countries for me to humiliate myself in!
14. Do you speak any other languages?
I should speak Welsh, partly because I was taught it from the age of 4 to the age of 16, and partly because there's something very sad about not being able to speak your national language. But compulsory Welsh lessons are very lax and, over time I've forgotten about 80% of what I learned at school. I still remember how to say a few key things like "I would like a cake" and "My belly hurts" so I guess that's something.
15. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older brother. And when I say older, I mean old. He's 37. Pretty soon he'll be balding and using a walking stick. (Love you, Rob!)
16. What's your favourite store?
Either Waterstones or The Range. I'm not even sure where the appeal lies in The Range because it's mostly full of Tupperware and wallpaper, but I just love it.
17. What's your favourite restaurant?
TGI Fridays. Those people put Jack Daniels on chicken and serve the best cosmopolitans. Enough said!
18. Do you like school?
I would give anything to go back to school (probably not comprehensive school because it was a shambles, but college or university). I miss learning things! I'm very concerned that my brain is slowly turning to mush. By next week I might not even remember how to read.
19. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
Linzy Rae
Leigh Ann Says
Kendall Rae
Can I count myself?

20. What's your favourite movie?
Beauty and the Beast. I feel no shame. It is amazing.
21. What are some of your favourite TV shows?
Toddlers and Tiaras, Say Yes to the Dress, American Horror Story, Desperate Housewives...again I feel no shame.
22. PC or Mac?
Oh how I wish I could afford a Mac!
23. What phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 5. I'm pretty sure the contract is up though...
24. How tall are you?
5 4" (that could be pushing it).
So there you have it. Another 24 totally random facts about me!
Loved learning more about you! FYI, high school is the American equivalent of college, and in the US we say college when we're referring to university. I'm curious to know what high school is across the pond!
Thanks Riley! Ok, so we have secondary school, which is ages 12-16 and that's compulsory. Then when you turn 16 you can either go to a college or some secondary schools have facilities for you to stay there and they're called sixth forms. And, to make things even more complicated, there are different types of secondary schools like comprehensive schools and grammar schools (but we don't have grammar schools in Wales). I hope that makes sense.