Sunday, 16 July 2017

10 Things I Learned from Watching Sex and the City

I'm a Sex and the City junkie and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I've watched the complete boxset through more times than I care to count and I have both movies on DVD...despite the fact that they are questionable at best. 

Recently, as I re-watched Season One for - what? - the 60th time, I realised there are a lot of great life lessons to be learned from Carrie and the gang. Read them, memorise them, live them.

1. Men are complicated...

2. But who needs a man when you've got great shoes?

3. Every once in a while it's perfectly acceptable to be antisocial and go to bed at 8pm.

4. It's never too early for a Cosmopolitan.

5. After 10+ years of wearing heels, your feet will lose all feeling.

6. Being single can be traumatic...

7. But it's better than ending up with the wrong person.

8. It's ok to be a little melodramatic every once in a while.

9. Sometimes he's just not that into you.

10. And, above all else, never forget how fabulous you are, exclamation point!


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