Monday, 16 January 2017

I'm a Crazy Bird Lady!

I decided 2017 is going to be the year when I cut down on time-draining activities and get out there and do things the make me happy instead. How many hours did I lose to social media, re-runs of Friends and general procrastination in 2016? A half hour of vegging out in my pjs here, 20 minutes of browsing Pinterest for nothing in particular all adds up!

When 2017 hit, I deleted my Facebook app. Instead of sitting through every soap opera my mother insists on putting on the TV in the evening, resisting the urge to gouge out my own eyes, I've started using that time to get into a good book. Time that would have been spent scrolling through websites, building imaginary shopping carts of clothes I know I'll never actually buy is now spent heading out for a walk.

I'm spending my time on the things that make me happy and recently I realised that one of those things is birds.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Big January Giveaway!

Happy New Year one and all! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and are ready to tackle 2017.

I want this year to be an amazing one for all of us so, to kick things off with a bang, I'm hosting a Big January Giveaway on my Youtube channel! I thought it would be a great way to lift those January blues and to say thank you to everyone who has taken the time to subscribe to my channel.